River Road Dental

Dental Crowns in Richmond, BC

Dental Crowns Near You

If you want to enhance or repair your smile, allow us to introduce dental crowns. This prosthetic is custom-made to fit over the top of damaged or otherwise compromised teeth, improving its overall appearance and functionality.

Your dentist in Richmond, can recommend this option for several reasons, as it is versatile and very reliable. If you’ve been advised to acquire a dental crown, we encourage you to call our clinic today.

Dental Crowns in Richmond

What is a Dental Crown? What Issues Can It Fix?

Just as a crown is made to fit comfortably on top of a king’s head, a dental crown is designed to slip over an unhealthy tooth. Essentially, it looks like a small cap and acts as a shield, preventing further damage and decay.

Dental crowns in Richmond, BC, are fabricated based on impressions of your mouth that your dentist takes. This information is sent to a dental lab where the prosthetic is created. Your dentist will work with you to pick the best material for your crown, so it blends in with your smile.

You might be advised to visit a dentist near you to undergo this treatment to address the following issues:

  • Covering an exposed implant
  • Strengthening a worn-down tooth
  • Covering a severely stained tooth
  • Keeping a bridge in place
  • Protecting a cracked or chipped tooth
  • Preserving a tooth that’s undergone a root canal
If you have additional questions or concerns about this service, reach out to your dentist in Richmond, BC. They will ensure you’re comfortable and well looked after the entire time.

What Does the Treatment Involve?

Outlined below are the general steps that take place when you receive dental crowns near you:

  1. Consultation – You will have to visit a dentist near you so they can assess your smile physically and through x-rays to determine if this is the best option for you. Once you’re approved, they will walk you through your specific treatment plan.
  2. Preparation – Any bits of damage or decay are removed, and the tooth is cleaned. Next, impressions are taken so that the crown will fit you comfortably.
  3. Temporary Crown – Your dentist will give you with a temporary crown to preserve your tooth while a permanent one is fabricated.
  4. Permeant Crown – Approximately 2-3 weeks later, you’ll return to the dental clinic to have the permanent crown placed. They’ll polish the tooth and check that the color, size, and fit are up to your standards. They will also assess your bite pattern to ensure the crown doesn’t interfere with it and functions properly. Then you’re free to go!
  5. Follow-Up Visit – If needed, your dentist may have you return for a follow-up appointment to see how everything is going after your treatment.

To ensure that your new dental crown lasts as long as possible without any issues, you must maintain a good oral hygiene regimen at home; this includes brushing, flossing, not using your teeth to open things, and booking routine cleanings and exams.

Contact River Road Dental Today

Our community dental office provides customizable services that will boost and preserve your oral health and wellness, including dental crowns in Richmond, BC. If you’d like to schedule an introductory session with a team member, please give us a call or send us a message via the form on our website.
